
Hi beauties!

WOW I've missed you all so much! I have been admittedly MIA recently but not without good reason...

I spent the first couple weeks in May traveling throughout Europe and I am feeling crazy grateful for it (this was a dream for years!). 

I know a lot of you have travel on your vision boards, so I'm planning to do a full recap of my trip and send it out ASAP for you all. I visited London, Paris, and Barcelona...Is that something you'd like to see?! Let me know and I'll make it happen!

Okay so on with today's topic: How YOGA helped me find my PURPOSE.

I've heard from several of you that you have no idea what your purpose is...

That you know you aren't living up to your potential but you feel blocked because you haven't found clarity on what you're meant to be doing in this world. 

If this is you right now what I first want to say is that I SEE YOU. I've been there too and I know how frustrating and hopeless it can feel. 

But, I also want to make you aware that just because you aren't aware of your purpose yet doesn't mean you don't have one. 

One of the most profound ways to figure out your purpose is to tap in to the power of spiritual practices.

Ooo baby they are POWERFUL!

For me, yoga became my gateway into spirituality. Consistently practicing and eventually teaching yoga allowed me to feel deeply connected to my body and myself, eventually giving me clues as to what my purpose is. 

This is the thing - when you start connecting with your spiritual energy your purpose will inevitably reveal itself to you. 

The clues might be really clear or they might be quite subtle at first. Either way, all you have to do is start paying attention.

Often the things that most excite you or call your attention are directly associated with your purpose. 

So why do spiritual practices work so well for this? 

Think about it...the reason so many of us grow up not knowing our purpose is because our truth has been so deeply suppressed after years and years of cultural conditioning.

Through spirituality, the supression is finally released and our truth/purpose come through our awareness. So cool, right? 

Whether it's yoga, meditation, breathwork, prayer, dance, taro, astrology, chakra healing, energy balancing, crystal healing, or any other spiritual practice, I invite all of you who feel disconnected to your purpose to tap into your spiritual nature so your truth can finally be expressed. 

Try committing to the spiritual practices that most resonate with you over the next 30 days and notices what is revealed to you around your purpose. 

It can take a few months to undo all of the conditioning that's been suppressing your truth, so be patient with yourself (in other words, you might have to go longer than a month to get the clarity you're seeking)!

That being said, sometimes changes can happen very very quickly as you start aligning with your spiritual nature.

Get in touch with me here or on Instagram DMs & let me know what comes up as you start to activate your spiritual energy + make these shifts!

Remember - we all have a deeper truth and a higher calling for our lives. Just because you haven't uncovered yours doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Be patient with yourself and with your spiritual journey. 

Sending you so much love! 

Xo Kristen