Ep. 65 Crystal Irom, Becoming a magnet for love

This conversation with Crystal Irom is the dating & relationship episode you've been waiting for! We explore what it really takes to call in happy, healthy love through mindset, manifestation, & intentional dating. It's especially for my women who are high achieving or personal development obsessed who seem to have found success everywhere other than romantically.


  • (00:00) intro & episode overview

    1. (06:47) Crystal’s story from single, dating mediocre guys & emotionally unavailable jerks, to engaged in under a year, plus how she began to take personal responsibility

    2. (19:15) limiting beliefs about men, yourself, & the dating scene that negatively affect your experiences

    3. (36:25) how energetic patterns from childhood impact who we attract

    4. (40:06) top repellants to the masculine & how to avoid them

    5. (51:50) the difference between attracting “situationships” & holding long term relationships

    6. (59:28) navigating standards, expectations, & boundaries in dating

    7. (01:07:13) why subjective qualities matter more than objective qualities in a partner

    8. (01:14:04) holding your vision & releasing perfection during the “manifestation gap”

    9. (01:22:51) handling unsupportive friends & family

      Grab Come Alive Woman here -- my free Spotify playlist to tap into pleasure, life force energy, sensuality, & wild expression.


Thank you for listening, queen!

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Crystal Irom is one of the top relationship coaches and experts in the world. She helps single women create happy, healthy, and loving relationships through manifesting and intentional dating.

Her signature approach is based on years of studying men, relationships, manifesting, and dating. She applied everything she learned to go from single to happily married to the love of her life within 10 months and now coaches and teaches her clients how to do the same.

She’s worked one-on-one with CEO's, multi-millionaires, and celebrities and also offers online courses. She serves an audience of over 15,000 via social media and her weekly podcast Rise in Love which exists to change the narrative around 21st-century dating and relationships.

